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Echo Alliance Church
Weekly Bulletin 

SUNDAY SCHOOL        9:00-9:50 AM

WORSHIP SERVICE      10:00-11:15 AM

  Welcome & Advent Candle Lighting        Advent Reading 3
* Hymn #214            Good Christian Men, Rejoice
* Hymn #199            It Came upon the Midnight Clear
* Opening Prayer
* Greet One Another
  Scripture Rdg         Luke 2:8-20
  Prayer Time
* Hymn #197            While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
  Message                Heaven’s Gift to All Nations
* Hymn #206            Angels We Have Heard on High
* Closing Prayer

     9:00 AM – Christmas Program Rehearsal
11:30 AM-2 PM – EAC Bake Sale at Santa Day
     6:00 PM – EAC Christmas Program

Monday, Dec 16:
     5:00 PM – Board of Ministries Meeting
     6:30 PM – Missions Committee Meeting

Thursday, Dec 19:
     7:30 PM – Zoom Prayer Meeting

Tuesday, Dec 24:
     5:00 PM – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service


   Our annual Christmas program will be held this evening, Sun, Dec 15, at 6:00 PM. Refreshments will be served afterwards. We will also distribute various gifts at that time. You can put your gifts by the two trees in the outer foyer area.


    The Echo Lions Club has asked us to once again provide a Bake Sale for this year’s Echo Santa Day at the Community Center today, Sun, Dec 15, between 11:30 AM and 2:00 PM. The proceeds will go toward a future mission trip.

    We will present our special Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on Tue, Dec 24, at 5:00 PM. Before you begin your time of sharing gifts and food with your family, join us for our celebration of Jesus Christ, God’s great Gift to the world.


    When you give to the Great Commission Fund through the Alliance Christmas Offering, you send workers where they are most needed and sustain vital work among the world’s remaining unplowed fields. This Christmas, join your Alliance family in giving so that lost, suffering, and marginalized people may experience the joy of the good news.
* Please make your checks out to the church.
* Put “Alliance Christmas Offering” in the memo section.

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Echo Alliance Church
278 3rd St., POB 265 | Echo, MN 56237 | PH: (507) 925-4176